There are five pathways in the brain: we can see, hear, feel, taste and smell. We learn everything through these five pathways, and we have thousands of ways to stimulate the brain through these five pathways. According to Glenn Doman, brain growth and development is a product of their use. The more the sensory pathways and motor pathways of the brain are used, in a given time, the greater the physical growth of the brain.
The brain grows with use, just like other muscles in the body. The brain grows because function determines structure (just as lack of function results in lack of structure).
When one function of the brain is improved, all functions are improved to some extent. Brain growth and development is a dynamic and ever-changing process.
Man’s three unique motor functions are:
1. Walking, running and jumping in an upright position and the true pattern in which the opposite limbs move together (right arm and left leg-left arm and right leg).
2. Speak in a vocal, symbolic, invented, and commonly devised language (English, French, Japanese, or Spanish).
3. Write in a visual, understandable, invented and symbolic language that we have agreed upon.
These three motor skills only belong to man because they are a product of his unique cerebral cortex.
These three motor skills are based on man’s three unique sensory skills, which are:
1. See, in such a way that we can read that visual, understandable, invented and symbolic language that we have reached by agreement.
2. Hearing, so that we are able to understand that understandable, invented, symbolic language we have agreed upon.
3. To feel, so that we are able to identify an object simply by touching it, without the need to confirm it by seeing it, smelling it or tasting it.